Mobile Suit Gundam is a franchise that needs no introduction. The mecha series all but founded the genre decades ago, and it has become a cornerstone for sci-fi fanatics around the world. And thanks to a company abroad, a series of high-end sneakers based on Gundam will be heading to stores soon.
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As reported by Kotaku, the Chinese company 361 Degrees has officially teamed up with Sunrise to make Gundam sneakers. The vetted line is a first for the anime, so fans will be able to rock their honor their favorite mecha suits on-the-go with these slick shoes.
Right now, the collection houses six different shoes, but there are only four types of sneaker offered; There are simply two additional color variants available for Gundam fans.
The collection runs between $60-70 USD, but you can splurge on a special pair of shoes if you got the cash. The collection offers pricier collector’s editions of each shoe which will run over $100 USD. Those will come in a collectible crate stuffed with special Gundam identification cards, a Gunpla model, and a t-shirt. There are also other shirts available through 361 Degrees which are officially licensed by Gundam, and fans can check out all the collection’s pieces here.
So, which of these Gundam sneakers would you care to rock? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!
Mobile Suit Gundam is one of the most popular franchises in the world, and that popularity is only expected to grow as Sunrise continues to release new projects for the franchise. This includes new anime based in the original Universal Century storyline, which will next see a film trilogy based on the Hathaway’s Flash novels, a returning anime for its SD Gundam spin-offs, and even a brand new live-action movie coming to the West co-produced by Legendary, a studio who is currently in the midst of bringing a new take on Toho’s Godzilla franchise to the screen.