Black Clover‘s anime has officially kicked off the Elf Invasion arc of the series, which is also currently running in the original manga. Things are starting to heat up as the Asta and Royal Knights begin their attack on the Eye of the Midnight Sun directly, and the anime has marked the occasion with a new ending theme. The new opening theme will debut later this Summer, however.
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The latest episode showed off this new ending theme, “against all gods” as performed by m-flo, and you can check it out below!
A new Black Clover ED!
โ โฃ๏ธ BLACK CLOVER โฃ๏ธ (@BlackClover_EN) July 3, 2019
The next opening theme of the series, “sky & blue” will be performed by GIRLFRIEND and won’t be appearing in the anime series until the August 6th airing. This is most likely because, unlike the ending theme sequences, the opening theme sequences show off much of what’s to come in the arc. As this arc of the series is just getting off the ground, it may be too soon to reveal a spoiler-filled opening just yet.
But the new ending theme of the series is a bit different than the others as its a much more intense affair. Previous ending themes in the past have featured more gentle visuals, but this new ending is full of bold reds and Asta in his Black Asta form charging at an enemy. It’s not a gentle ending theme sequence in the slightest, and helps emphasize just how intense things will be getting in the anime series moving forward.
This newest arc has some of the biggest fights in the series yet, and it’s going to be interesting to see how the anime brings it all to life. Yuki Tabata first created Black Clover for Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 2015. The popular series follows two young boys named Asta and Yuno who are growing up in a world where magic is everything. Asta, unfortunately, seems to have been born without magical powers while Yuno is a young prodigy whose magical powers rival that of the strongest magic users in the Clover Kingdom, the Magic Knights.
The two young boys now strive to become the strongest wizard in the Clover Kingdom, The Wizard King. You can currently find the Japanese language version with English subtitles on Crunchyroll, and the English language dub can be seen on FunimationNow and Saturday evenings on Adult Swim’s Toonami block.