Aggretsuko is a creation of Sanrio, the company that perhaps is best known for bringing Hello Kitty and her friends to life, though the office working Retsuko is far different from her anthropomorphic brethren. Balancing her nine-to-five with an affection for belting out death metal songs to help with her rage and anxiety, the fifth season has arrived on Netflix, bringing the animated series to a close. With the final season promising to focus on Retsuko’s brush with politics and Haida’s soul-searching exploits, we’ve put together a breakdown of how the series ends.
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Warning. If you have yet to watch the fifth and final season of Aggretsuko, we’ll be breaking down how Retsuko’s journey came to an end.
The fifth season takes the opportunity to examine Haida and Retsuko’s relationship, with the pair having to introduce themselves to each other’s parents, which are two very different experiences. With Haida attempting to find his way in life following his departure from his previous accounting job, the hyena finds himself living at an internet cafe while dropping serious money on “gatcha games”. Attempting to hide his status from Retsuko, he is eventually able to break free from his subterranean status.

Meanwhile, Retsuko finds herself faced with an unexpected decision, as the “Rage Party” of Japan is looking to have her become a face for their movement, pushing for the former idol to become a representative in the government. Combining her death metal skills with her bubbly personality, the Sanrio protagonist finds herself running against none other than Haida’s brother, who is looking to follow in their father’s footsteps.
Unfortunately, Retsuko is blown out in the election, but the journey helps show how far both she and Haida have come in their relationship, as the final scene shows that Retsuko is still taking the subway to work but isn’t afraid to tap into her rage when is necessary.
At present, Aggretsuko hasn’t revealed if they will create a follow-up film and/or spin-off series to continue the universe, though this finale does a solid job of putting a bow on the lives of Retsuko and the friends that she made along the way.
What did you think of Aggretsuko’s finale? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Sanrio.