It has been a few months since Attack on Titan checked on fans, but it will not be long before the series is back in action. With the manga complete, Studio MAPPA has nothing standing in its way to finish adapting Hajime Isayama’s legendary work. Eren plans to bring himself back to television after the new year in his last bid to save Eldia from obliteration. And now, we have been given our first look at the series finale arc courtesy of a new poster.
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As you can see below, the artwork showcases Eren at his most deadly in this poster. The star is seen in his Attack Titan form, and honestly? Eren has never looked colder before. That can happen when you spearhead a campaign of global genocide, and of course, Eren’s childhood friends are not going to let him cull others without a fight.
What’s In Store for Season Four?
As we have seen in season four so far, Eren has become the enemy of humanity, and it is in everyone’s best interest to stop him. This includes Mikasa and Armin even if the pair are conflicted. The two want nothing more than to stop Eren without a fight, but our main star has done some rule unforgivable things. The world will not forgive him easily, so it falls to Mikasa to save Eren from himself before others come seeking revenge.
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Clearly, Eren’s mental state has been warped, and season four is about to see how far the man will take his plan to take over the world. Despite their love for Eren, Mikasa and the gang cannot let him see this goal through. Now, the question is how far the team will go to make Eren see reason…
What do you think of this new poster? Are you ready for Attack on Titan to wrap up its anime? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.