Attack On Titan’s anime series is set to end the story of the Survey Corps early next year, with the first half coming to a close via a cliffhanger that pit Eren Jaeger against the forces of Marley descending on the island of Paradis, and now, the popular anime franchise is trending thanks to a hilarious comparison with the latest Fast and Furious film, F9. Charlize Theron’s Cipher is set to return in this latest entry, pitting Vin Diesel and John Cena’s characters against one another, sporting a hairstyle that looks shockingly similar to that of Zeke follower Yelena.
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Yelena was introduced in the latest season of Attack On Titan, arriving on Paradis as a follower of Zeke Jaeger, the Beast Titan and brother of Eren. Revealing that she is attempting to take down the nation of Marley and is looking to establish lines of communication between Zeke and the Eldians, she has become one of the most prominent members of the Jaegerists to come to light.
What do you think of this hilarious comparison between the two different franchises? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Titans.
We Can Think Of A Few Reasons
idk why charlize theron in F9 reminds me a lot of yelena from AOT
— meirioff. (@noirvy12) June 12, 2021
.#FastAndFurious9 #AttackOnTitan #AttackonTitanFinalSeason #ShingekiNoKyojin
Only Charlize Can Do It
If Charlize Theron can’t pull of the Attack on Titan Bowl Cut, no human can #FAST9
— Kim (@NotTheStKittsKC) April 17, 2021
The Likeness Is Unbelievable
Why does Charlize Theron look like Yelena in the new Fast and Furious movie ☠️#AttackOnTitan #aot #AttackonTitanFinalSeason #ShingekiNoKyojin
— Cierra Balch | Gabi Protection Squad | BLM (@booklover8822) April 22, 2021
It Only Takes One Time
Charlize Theron after watching Attack On Titan
— Jill 🧭 (@ItoayTweetKo) May 26, 2021
The Vibes Are Real
Charlize Theron is giving me huge Yelena vibes… #Fast9 #AttackOnTitan
— Larry McAllister II (@LARRYTRON) April 14, 2021
Truly Hilarious
All the comments about Charlize Theron being Yelena from Attack on Titan are killing me 🤣🤣🤣
— Brendon BLM (@IcySolace) April 15, 2021
The World May Never Know
Why they got Charlize Theron looking like Yelena from Attack on Titan ???
— FORTUNE COOCHIE (@_fortunecoochie) April 15, 2021
That’s Some Good Fan Casting
Charlize Theron would make a great Yelena
— gigi 🦋 (@grIiegirI) April 5, 2021