Netflix’s live-action take on Avatar: The Last Airbender hit the ground floor running, as the streaming service confirmed that following season one, Aang and the gang would receive both a second season and a third to wrap their story. Following the events of the original Nickelodeon animated series, the live-action adaptation was one that both stuck to the source material while also injecting some new story elements into the mix. For the upcoming second season, one of the biggest characters of Avatar will appear in the Earth Bender Toph, but fans might be startled that the blind-warrior might be a tad different.
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Toph might have not had the ability to see in the original animated series but that never stopped her from being a force to be reckoned with. Thanks to her Earth Bending prowess, the blind fighter has the ability pull a Matt Murdock and use a type of sonar to read her surroundings. Initially brought onto the Aang gang to teach the Avatar how to Earth bend, Toph proved that she was a master like no other as she was so proficient in her bending that she was able to create an entirely new style. On top of bending the Earth, Toph taught herself how to bend metal itself, which would become a major factor in the Avatar sequel series, The Legend of Korra.

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A Changing Toph
During a recent red carpet interview, actress Miya Cech discussed her upcoming role. Cech was confirmed to be playing the blind Earth Bender last year during Netflix’s Geeked Week event and brought to a close a lot of fan speculation surrounding the live-action take on the fan-favorite character. Much like how Aang, Sokka, and Katara had some changes in the Netflix series, so to is Toph going to be a tad different from the source material according to Miya.
“She’s a little bit older so she’s not a little kid anymore. She is still that same spitfire, spunky character who gets to call a certain character ‘Twinkle Toes’. I think there are going to be a lot of things that the fans are going to remember from the animated series and a lot of things that are brand new.”
When Will Season 2 Bend on Netflix?
Avatar: The Last Airbender’s live-action series has confirmed that production is already in full swing for the second season, but this fact doesn’t mean that it will arrive this year. Casting announcement were still being made as soon as last month, meaning that filming is still underway. Even if the second season doesn’t arrive in 2025, it’s a safe bet that Netflix will be releasing more material to promote the upcoming season that will further flesh out the live-action benders.
On the animation front, bending fans are a little more than a year away from seeing Avatar Studios’ first animated movie focusing on Aang’s world. The upcoming original story is one that will focus on older versions of Aang and his friends, tentatively titled Aang: The Last Airbender. While the movie might be over a year away with its release date of January 30th, 2026, bending fans are still beyond excited to see these upcoming adult adventures for the characters who have mostly been kids during their previous battles.
Want to stay in the know on the world of bending? Follow along with Team Anime on for the latest updates on Avatar: The Last Airbender and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.