One of the biggest Netflix original anime series to return in 2021 is definitely Beastars, the story of a high school filled with anthropomorphic students attempting to uncover the identity of a mysterious serial killer, and the second season has released its opening that will continue the story of Legosi, Haru, and their other conflicted classmates! Though the series is set to drop next month on Japan’s version of Netflix, fans in North America and the world over will most likely have to wait until the summer of next year to experience the continuing murder mystery!
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The first season ended with Legosi and Haru expressing their feelings for one another, following the takedown of an underground black market ring that was stealing “prey” off the streets in the form of herbivores such as Haru, making her a damsel in distress in the process. With Legosi mustering up the courage to save her and take down her kidnappers, the mystery still continues regarding the identity of the serial killer that started the series off with a bang. Beastars Season Two has already released a trailer giving us an idea of the current status of many of our favorite characters from the series making their grand returns, and we can’t wait to sink our teeth into the newest episodes when they drop!
Netflix shared the opening for Beastars’ second season, giving us a look into the perils that Legosi and Haru will be encountering following their life and death adventures in season one which helped make the anime series created by Paru Itagaki such a success with fans across the world:
get ready, Cherryton! the Beastars season 2 intro is here and it is amazing.
— NX (@NXOnNetflix) December 21, 2020
Beastars recently ended its manga, like other anime franchises such as Demon Slayer and The Promised Neverland, but Itagaki has been hard at work on a new story within the world of Legosi and Haru in Beast Complex, which originally premiered as a series of short stories that explored different facets of this dark world. While we don’t know how many seasons of the anime will eventually come to pass, we could definitely see Complex getting its own anime adaptation someday based on the popularity of its “sister series”.
What do you think of this new opening for Beastars’ return? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Legosi and Haru!