Black Clover Leaves It Heroes Shocked Over Asta's 'Death'

Black Clover enjoyed a long hiatus earlier this year, and creator Yuki Tabata put the series on the side burner as he prepared to cook up his biggest arc yet. The manga's final act has finally begun, and if you ask fans, Black Clover has never been stronger than it is now. The stakes have been raised higher than we ever saw coming, and now, our favorite heroes are left to mull over Asta and his widely rumored death.

If you are caught up with Black Clover, you will know chapter 336 explored the aftermath of Asta's fight with Lucius from page one. Readers read on as the Magic Knights gathered in an emergency session with all its top fighters and captains in tow. Of course, this meant Yuno was called back to the city for the debriefing, and his reaction towards Asta is the most devastating.

The wizard looks stunned if not shell-shocked by the conversation surrounding Asta. According to Yuno, he always saw the shorter boy two steps ahead of him, so the thought of his death is entirely foreign. Now that he's been confronted with Asta's death, Yuno is more determined than ever to see their shared dream to an end. He's going to become the Wizard King, and Yuno will do so because Asta is no longer there to reach the goal alone.

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Of course, the Black Bull squad is also reeling from the loss. Asta was one of its best members, and several of them witnessed their friend's death. Noelle and Secre seem like they're unable to process what they saw. The same goes for Yami who is chainsmoking worse than ever before. And when Nacht confirms he cannot sense Asta's shadow, little hope is left in the room.

Of course, chapter 336 leaves its heroes in turmoil, but fans are granted a reprieve from the angst. After all, its final spread confirms Asta hasn't been obliterated. The boy is gravely injured, and right now, Asta appears to have been transported to some unknown shore. It is there a mysterious figure finds Asta in all his bloody pain, so Black Clover will have to address this new cliffhanger ASAP.

How do you think Black Clover is going to play out this cliffhanger? Are you loving the manga's final act so far? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.