Black Clover is teasing a major Silva Family comeback with the cliffhanger from the newest chapter of the series! It’s been a rough string of chapters for Noelle Silva and the fighters who had joined her side for the fight against Vanica Zogratis, and things have only gotten worse as the devil Megicula gets closer to releasing her full form. Not only that, but even Asta wasn’t able to do any real damage to the curse user thanks to his exhaustion following the fight against the devil twins prior. But there’s still some hope in a late addition in the newest chapter.
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Although Noelle had gotten another wind thanks to Asta’s arrival and was able to push on through one last use of her Spirit Dive form, it was quickly revealed to not be enough as she was not able to make it through Megicula’s defenses. But as Chapter 302 of the series comes to an end, some hope arrives in another last minute save as Noelle’s brother Nozel has finally arrived on the scene. Defending both Noelle and preparing for a major counterattack, he’s ready for his long awaited revenge against the devil.

Chapter 302 of the series sees Noelle and the others try one last attack against Megicula, and although Noelle manages to land a point blank attack against the devil, it’s soon revealed that she no longer has the strength to pierce through the devil’s curse magic defenses. Megicula tries to use this as a point for a counterattack, but before Noelle is struck she’s suddenly coated by a sphere of Nozel’s mercury magic shields.
Nozel’s angered because he’s been waiting a long time to stand off against the devil Megicula seeing as how he and his siblings once saw Vanica and the devil curse their mother to death right in front of their eyes. With Nozel arriving just in time at full strength, now the next phase in the fight against Megicula can begin. Now it’s just a matter of seeing whether or not he can stack up considering we’ve seen two Captains and Noelle’s Saint Stage fail to do any permanent damage.
It’s going to take full teamwork from the Silva family and everyone else to take her down. But what do you think? Do you think Nozel has a chance at finally defeating Megicula once and for all? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!