Demon Slayer has been quiet on the anime front since its first feature film debuted last fall. In the months since the series has only become more popular as fans have flocked to the anime. The series’ first movie now ranks as the highest-grossing movie in Japan to date, and this success has fans wondering what is to come with the anime. And if we are lucky, we will get an update on the series soon.
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Recently, the official webpage for Demon Slayer updated in Japan with some curious information. It was there users like KenXyro noticed the anime has an event coming up, and it could reveal new information on the future of Demon Slayer.
Next week on Valentine’s Day an event for Demon Slayer will be held where they will share information related to the Anime series among other things.
This might be it guys.
โ ๐ Ken Xyro (@KenXyro) February 6, 2021
The event will take place on February 14 in Japan, so any announcement will be a sweet treat for fans. The event’s current description is vague, but it promises to offer new information related to the anime and Demon Slayer video game. This means all bets are off for this update, and fans are hoping the anime is given a sizable nod during the virtual event.
Of course, fans are also eager for Demon Slayer‘s movie to make it overseas. The film has already broken numerous box office records, but it has yet to make its debut in the United States. Rumors have gone around suggesting a February 2021 release for Demon Slayer stateside, but the nation’s battle with COVID-19 makes such a prediction difficult. But if we are lucky, the pandemic should give way to a screening this fall.
What do you make of this new rumor? Do you think Demon Slayer season two is a sure deal? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.