The anime franchise of Demon Slayer hit the ground floor running when it’s television adaptation dropped last year, as the series has even managed to surpass the legendary juggernaut of One Piece when it comes to overall manga series, and the story of Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko is keeping the big news rolling as the opening theme song for the series has gone “triple platinum”! The theme song from artist LiSA, “Gurenge” not only does a great job of introducing this world of demons and their slayers, but sticks with audiences long after they have listened to it!
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Demon Slayer’s first season of the anime was easily the most popular anime to arrive last year, warranting the first official feature length film that will be dropping later in 2020. While a second season has yet to be confirmed, most fans know that it’s only a matter of time before the quests of Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke continue on their small screens moving forward. Anime openings have long been some of the most memorable parts of franchises with the likes of Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball Z, and Bleach being a few of the series that have intros that fans continue humming long after hearing them for the first time.
The Recording Industry Association of Japan shared the news that the single created by LiSA that was used in Demon Slayer’s opening had hit the insane level of “triple platinum”, meaning that it has broken over 750,000 digital sales by fans of both the artist and the anime franchise!
What was your favorite anime opening from recent memory? Do have the intro to Demon Slayer playing in the background on a regular basis? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and demon slaying!