The anime franchise of Demon Slayer made quite the impact when the television series landed last year, managing to even overtake One Piece as the top selling manga, and this is thanks in part to the opening theme song performed by LiSA that went by the name of “Gurenge”! Having recently gone triple platinum, the single has recently hit a brand new record as one of the highest selling songs for one of the final weeks of April! The franchise continues to hit new heights and it will be interesting to see if the first movie of the series sky rockets it further!
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LiSA’s track does a fantastic job of giving fans the general aesthetic of the series, seamlessly blending the music and has gotten over 17,000 digital downloads from April 20th to the 26th! Since it debuted in April of last year, it has become the highest downloaded song per week three times, and has been in the top ten ranking for a number of consecutive weeks. With Demon Slayer’s action and animation style winning over fans, the symbiotic relationship between the series and the track of “Gurenge” is definitely working wonders for all parties involved!
The story of Demon Slayer is definitely a tragic one, with the franchise following the determined young monster hunter named Tanjiro. Once a happy young man supplying for his family, his story was torn asunder once one of the strongest demons in the world decided to attack his mother and his siblings. Following this horrific assault, Tanjiro’s family was nearly all killed with only his sister, Nezuko surviving. Tanjiro’s sister didn’t leave the attack unscathed however as he became part demon herself, struggling with the inner monster raging within her.
Demon Slayer follows something of a similar pattern to the likes of Shonen series such as Naruto and My Hero Academia, with our young protagonist training to become stronger and growing more powerful with each story arc that passes. What makes it resonate so strongly since its debut is the animation that studio Ufotable has knocked out of the park, giving Tanjiro’s attacks a flair that can’t be found in nearly any other series!
Do you have “Gurenge” playing in your music library? What’s your favorite anime theme song to date? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of demon slaying!