Digimon Adventure Teases Mimi's Debut with New Episode Promo

Digimon Adventure spent some time away from fans earlier this year, but the show is back in [...]

Digimon Adventure spent some time away from fans earlier this year, but the show is back in business. After going on a hiatus due to the COVID-19 outbreak, fans were reintroduced to the reboot last month at long last. Now, the show's sixth episode is getting ready to go live, and fans can get a peek at the episode already thanks to a synopsis-promo combo.

Earlier this week, fans were shown the first promo for episode six for Digimon Adventure titled "The Targeted Kingdom". The episode plans to follow Sora and Taichi again as the pair traverse the Digital World, but they will come to a fast halt when a girl named Mimi Tachikawa appears.

"Taichi and Sora, who were passing through a forest, get caught in a trap set by someone. A group of tiny Tanemon, and a human girl named Tachikawa Mimi appear. Mimi says that after she was hurled into the Digital World, she lives there as their queen. And it seems that the trap was made in order to defend themselves from wild, ferocious Digimon. Taichi and Sora help Mimi out, but Orgemon, who is keeping a watch on the Chosen Children, approaches them," the new synopsis reads.

The promo for episode six can also be found above, and it showcases some of the synopsis's moments in vibrant color. Taichi is seen running into Mimi and her Digimon partner Palmon. It turns out the young girl has secured a village for herself to rule, but things go sideways when a few rouge monsters invade the area. It falls to Taichi to rescue the kingdom, but Palmon is the only one left to fight for Mimi when she is targeted by a monster. This episode of Digimon Adventure will be a must-watch, so be sure to tune in next week!

Are you all geared up for this next episode of Digimon Adventure? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!