Dragon Ball Super has introduced its fair share of transformations in both the anime and the manga series. Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, Ultra Instinct, and Ultra Ego are just a few of the forms that powered their way to the shonen franchise. However, there remains one transformation that has yet to be introduced to the main continuity, despite how fans feel about it. Super Saiyan 4 was first introduced in Dragon Ball GT, and while it has returned thanks to Dragon Ball Heroes, cosplayers often have to take matters into their own hands in bringing the form back.
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Super Saiyan 4 was first attained by Son Goku in Dragon Ball Grand Tour while fighting against the villain known as Baby. Hailing from an alien race that was wiped out by the Saiyans, Baby overtook Vegeta’s body and was using his frame in an attempt to control the Earth. Luckily, Goku’s tail was able to be brought back thanks to the Kaioshins, allowing the Saiyan to attain the form known as Super Saiyan 4, which makes the user look far more like a beast than even Gohan’s current form that he discovered as a part of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
More Super Saiyan 4
Both Goku and Vegeta were able to achieve Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball GT, though the Saiyan Prince took a shortcut when it came to gaining the transformation that was once considered the strongest of the shonen series. Presently, with Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego being the pair of Saiyans’ forms of choice, it doesn’t seem as though Super Saiyan 4 will make its way into the main series in the near future. However, with Broly’s jump from the movies to the canon, it certainly is possible that the Grand Tour form might do the same.
In Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Super Saiyan 4 has been front and center as the Gogeta of the Time Patrol has been attempting to fight back the advances of the Demon Kingdom. As fans wait for word on when Dragon Ball Super’s television series will return, the outside-of-continuity spin-off gives fans plenty of fan service when it comes to the Z-Fighters. Perhaps one day we’ll be able to see what a Super Saiyan 5 looks like, even if it doesn’t take place in the main story of the shonen franchise.