Dragon Ball Hero Sets Up a Mysterious Broly Battle

Dragon Ball is ready to tackle its next arc, and we're not talking about the Granolah situation [...]

Dragon Ball is ready to tackle its next arc, and we're not talking about the Granolah situation happening in Dragon Ball Super. No, this new arc is coming for the wild world of Dragon Ball Heroes and its PR anime. If you did not know, the franchise is set to kick off a new arc this month, and a trailer has gone live for the event. And as you can see, it has something to share about Broly that has netizens buzzing.

The new promo can be seen below in all of its animated glory. Goku and Hearts kick off the clip before a Masked Saiyan shows up in the middle. However, things get real interesting when Broly makes an appearance. The fighter seems to be going up against a robed man, and theories are running abound over who the guy might be.

Currently, one of the biggest guesses has to do with Broly fighting himself. The robed figure shows just a glimpse of his face, and his facial features scream Saiyan. That is why some think Broly will fight himself in this alternate universe, but there are other guesses out there.

Some believe Bardock might be behind the fight while others were quick to suggest Turles. There were even some deep-cut pitches concerning Giblet, but there is no concrete evidence as to who this robed figure might be. If it is Broly, then the two fighters are going to have one hell of a battle before them. So if you want to find out, stay tuned to Dragon Ball Heroes this year!

What do you think of this Broly battle tease? Do you think Dragon Ball may go through with this? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.