Dragon Ball Heroes Gives New Look at Goku Black's Return

Dragon Ball Heroes, the spin-off anime to the main series of Dragon Ball Super, isn't afraid to [...]

Dragon Ball Heroes, the spin-off anime to the main series of Dragon Ball Super, isn't afraid to bring back major characters who had been lost in the main canon, with a recent trailer hinting at the return of one of the biggest villains of the latest series in Goku Black. With the Big Bang Mission still in full swing and the Space-Time War Arc getting ready to begin, Goku Black couldn't pick a worse time to return as Goku has his hands full with the likes of Golden Freeza, Cooler, and the return of Heroes villain Hearts.

In the previous installment of Super Dragon Ball Heroes, two Vegitos were shown battling against the original version of Broly, while Fuu continued his nefarious machinations to create a new universe that serves the purpose of getting revenge for the loss of the Dark Demon Dimension from which he was spawned. At the end of the fight, the Super Saiyan Blue Vegito of our universe dragged Broly, in his Limit Breaker Super Saiyan 4 form, and the final moments show Goku waking up in a new universe that seems to have some similarities from his home turf but clearly has some dark secrets waiting within.

Twitter User Dragon Ball Hype shared the new trailer for the Big Bang Mission, used for Dragon Ball Heroes' arcade cabinets spread across the country of Japan, that features the return of Goku Black, sporting a nefarious mask that will have big implications for his status in the spin-off:

In the Dragon Ball Heroes lore, the mask that Goku Black is sporting is known as a "Time Breaker Mask", which grants the user a massive power-up but puts them under the control of the Dark Demon Dimension. Other Saiyans such as Broly, Bardock, and even King Vegeta have been seen in past Heroes' storylines making grand returns wearing the masks. Though Dragon Ball Super saw Goku Black killed by the insane power of Xeno, it's clear that Heroes has some grand plans for the rogue Kaioshin known as Zamasu.

Are you hyped for the return of Goku Black in the anime's spin-off series? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball.