Super Dragon Ball Heroes has confirmed the release date for the next episode in its New Space-Time War arc! The New-Space Time War has seen Goku and Vegeta enter in a strange new dimension created by Fu’s dark power, and this has already pit them against some powerful new foes. This is really only the start of this massive new arc teasing some other big returns and new foes coming in the future of the promotional anime series, and now a release date has finally been set for the next episode coinciding with the delay to the newest expansion of the original card arcade game in Japan.
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Episode 4 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ New Space-Time War arc (as spotted by @DBSChronicles on Twitter) will be making its debut in Japan on June 20th. Just as teased with the cliffhanger that saw Vegeta (who had broken through to a powerful new form channeling the Evil Saiyan’s ki) spotting Goku struggling against a Goku Black who has seemed to become even more powerful since they had fought against him in their universe. Now it won’t be much longer before we can finally see what happens next!
#SDBH BM “Space-Time War” Arc PR Anime Episode 4 will release on June 20!
Ep4 is titled “Super Saiyan Rosรฉ VS Ultra Instinct! A Great Planet-Shaking Battle!!”
โ SUPER ใฏใญใใฏใซ (@DBSChronicles) June 11, 2021
Episode 4 of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ New Space-Time War arc is titled, “Super Saiyan Rose vs. Ultra Instinct! A Great Planet-Shaking Battle!!” and it’s described as such, “Vegeta overwhelmed Cumber and Turles. However, Red Masked Saiyan gets the better of Goku and co. singlehandedly. He then tries to destroy Planet Vegeta. In the midst of a planet-shaking duel, Goku and co. are rescued by the ‘Ultimate Android’ who has been brought back from Hell!”
As the synopsis for the next episode teases, not only will we get to see more of Goku Black Rose’s power (as he seemingly defeats Goku and Vegeta easily), the end of the synopsis teases they’ll be getting rescued from a fairly surprising source of a returning character coming back from. It could even potentially be Cell, as has been previously teased for the arc’s battles.
But what do you think of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ New Space-Time War arc so far? Ready to see how the fights in the series continue with the next episode? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!