Dragon Ball Super: Broly is considered to be one of the best examples of animation within the Shonen franchise to date, bringing the legendary Super Saiyan into canon along with the fusion character created from the fusion dance between Goku and Vegeta in Gogeta. Now, fan artists have done a jaw-dropping interpretation of what the fight might have looked like if Vegito had been the fusion character to battle against Broly rather than Gogeta, giving fans a brand new hypothetical situation to mull over as audiences wait for the next entry in Dragon Ball Super‘s anime to arrive.
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Dragon Ball Super: Broly marked the first time that Gogeta appeared in the official canon of the Shonen franchise created by Akira Toriyama, though he also played a major role in the Dragon Ball Z film known as Fusion Rebirth, which saw Goku and Vegeta have to enact the fusion dance in order to battle against the insane power of Janenba. While neither of the Z Fighters has used fusion since the conclusion of the latest animated movie, we definitely wouldn’t be surprised to see Goku and Vegeta either use the fusion dance or the Potara Earrings in the main canon considering how powerful their enemies continue to be.
Twitter Artists Aubriex and Shawn Drawings shared their new take on the hypothetical battle between Broly and Vegito, giving the fusion-based character an interesting makeover while imagining him in both Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue modes:
Super Saiyan God Vegetto vs Broly What-If with the homie @Shawndrawings_ #ドラゴンボール超 pic.twitter.com/pzw2moLwJ2
— Bruce Wayne (@Aubreix) August 29, 2021
The Super Saiyan Blue variant kinda ❄️❄️❄️ too! Collab with @Shawndrawings_ #ドラゴンボール超 pic.twitter.com/rkt8IxlCE8
— Bruce Wayne (@Aubreix) August 29, 2021
While it doesn’t seem as if either Gogeta or Vegito will be making an appearance in the Granolah Arc any time soon, the spinoff series of Super Dragon Ball Heroes is prepping for the arrival of the fusion character created by the Potara earrings to battle against the new threat in Goku Black and his transformation of Super Saiyan 3 Rose.
What do you think of this new take on the fictional battle between Broly and Vegito? Do you think we’ll see Broly in time to help out Goku and Vegeta with Granolah? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball.