
Dragon Ball Super Art Imagines The Return Of Cell

Cell is one of the only major villains of the Dragon Ball franchise to not return from the grave following his death during the Cell Games Arc of Dragon Ball Z, but with the upcoming film Super Hero bringing back the Red Ribbon Army, the villain’s return might be nigh. One Dragon Ball artist has taken the opportunity to bring Cell back from the dead and give him a new transformation in the same vein as Golden Frieza, getting him ready to enter this new world of alternate realities and deities.    

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While Cell hasn’t returned in the main series of the Shonen franchise created by Akira Toriyama, he did recently return from the great beyond during the Space Time War Arc that played out in the spin-off series of Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Cell came back with an unexpected role, actually assisting the Z Fighters in their brawl against the returned Goku Black and his new Super Saiyan 3 Rose transformation, though viewers didn’t get the opportunity to see the android-absorbing villain unleash any new powers or fight anyone himself. With Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero set to bring back the Red Ribbon Army this April, is the movie the perfect place for Cell to make a comeback?

Twitter Artist Daff_Duff Art shared this new take on Dr. Gero’s greatest creation, which gives Cell a stunning new transformation that takes the Dragon Ball Z “beyond perfect” and imagines him receiving a platinum upgrade in the same vein as Frieza’s golden transformation in Dragon Ball Super:

While Cell is far from confirmed in appearing in the next Dragon Ball Super movie set to hit Japanese theaters this April, new merchandise is hinting that there are some mysterious characters waiting in the wings to reveal themselves in the upcoming feature that is set to bring back the Red Ribbon Army. With the movie seeing Gohan as the star of the show, this might be the perfect time for the long-awaited rematch between the Son of Goku and the son of Dr. Gero. 

What do you think of this new take on Cell? Do you think the villain is set to make a comeback in this year’s Dragon Ball Super movie? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVCOmedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball