Dragon Ball Super’s manga is currently working its way through an adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, and that means that the newest chapter of the Dragon Ball Super manga has finally introduced Broly to the manga’s canon! While Broly and the events of Dragon Ball Super: Broly have been previously addressed in the manga, that was back when the manga decided to skip over the movie’s events in favor of telling its own story. That also meant that fans have yet to see Broly make his full debut in the manga’s pages.ย
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The Dragon Ball Super manga officially kicked off its take on Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero with the previous chapter, and the newest chapter of the manga is now continuing through this effort as the movie’s events are fleshed out more for this manga adaptation. This includes a special look into what Goku is currently up to as he’s training to face off against Black Frieza again, and it’s revealed that he’s brought Broly to Beerus’ planet for some major sparring!ย
How Broly Comes Back to Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 92 reveals that while Bulma tried to contact Goku and Vegeta off-planet (as seen in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero), the two are so absorbed in their training efforts that they don’t get the call in time. As the chapter comes to an end, Goku and Broly are fighting once more. Broly’s managing to keep his anger in check for the fight, and Goku compliments him on the fact that Broly’s steadily getting used to fighting. But as Goku explains, Broly will eventually get to the point where he can fight on high levels without losing himself to anger.ย
Dragon Ball Super’s manga is now setting up Broly to potentially be a prominent member of the Z-Fighters crew from this point on, and while we had yet to see it in the anime, the Dragon Ball Super manga is now offering the opportunity to do so once it works through the rest of the material from Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.ย
But how do you feel about Broly’s full introduction to the manga? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!