Dragon Ball Super‘s latest manga story arcs have separated Goku and Vegeta into two distinctly different schools of power. Goku has embraced the technique of Ultra Instinct used by the angels – a zen-like state of being in battle that allows for almost effortless speed and power. Vegeta has mastered the Spirit Control technique that makes Instant Transmission (and more possible); Vegeta has also received Destroyer God training from Beerus, and has started to master that. The end result is Vegeta taking all these new abilities and fusing it with his Saiyan Pride to create a new form: Ultra Ego.
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Yes, Dragon Ball Super has taken Goku and Vegeta different ways to reach new power – but this fan art imagines the possibilities of what might happen if Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego were fused into a new form…
Ultra Ego Instinct Gogeta.
— Rénaldo サイヤ人 (@Renaldo_Saiyan) May 16, 2022
Edit by me. pic.twitter.com/jZ7RIl0Kq9
The caveat here is that the Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego powers are fused together through Goku and Vegeta’s fusion into Gogeta – as opposed to the Saiyan heroes each learning from the other. That said, this concept of “Ultra Ego Instinct Gogeta” pretty much achieves the same goal: Goku and Vegeta’s Fusion Dance form requires them to match and balance with one another in terms of power – this new form of Gogeta could be a powerful thematic expression of Goku and Vegeta finally reconnecting after going down divergent paths.
Indeed, a lot of Dragon Ball fans have been wondering what the series is doing with its development of Goku and Vegeta as different characters, with differing sets of powers tailored to each of their personalities. It’s admittedly been a nice change of pace for the series, rather than having Saiyans all end up in the same transformations. That said, like so many things in Dragon Ball, it’s a path that could come full-circle back to where we began.
As stated, Vegeta has taken the powers of the Gods of Destruction and combined it with his own Saiyan nature to make Ultra Ego. Goku has been revisiting the history of his father Bardock, and will soon reconnect with his own Saiyan nature to help develop his own unique form of Ultra Instinct. So, for all the exploration of divine powers we may end up getting back to Saiyans being Saiyans, after all.
Dragon Ball Super releases new manga chapters FREE online.