Get ready to enter the world of the “Ghost Tribe” once again with the anime series that follows the monsters of Japanese folklore attempting to swarm the world over. Running since April of last year, GeGeGe no Kitaro (Kitaro of the Graveyard) may be a mouthful of a title, but the popular anime franchise aimed at the younger generation has had a serious breadth of longevity through numerous incarnations that began with its creation in 1960. Now, the current anime series is looking to put a bow on their current story, hinting at the final arc for Kitaro and friends with a brand new poster for the “Nurarihyon Arc” on November 6th.
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Anime News Network shared the latest poster for the series on their Official Twitter Account, which promises to put our pumpkin shaped headed protagonist into a brand new adventure that may be one of the most dangerous that he’s ever faced:
#News GeGeGe no Kitarō #Anime Enters Final ‘Nurarihyon Arc’ on October 6 • Akio Ohtsuka, Chō join cast of anime
— Anime News Network (@Anime) September 25, 2019
Some keen eyed viewers may feel that this anime series is somewhat familiar to that of Yu Yu Hakusho, especially with the main protagonist Kitaro firing off energy blasts that look somewhat similar to Yusuke’s Spirit Gun, but since this series has decades of history over the Shonen series, that argument may be the other way around!
Are you a fan of GeGeGe no Kitaro? What do you think of the upcoming ending of the Nurarihyon Arc? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Japanese folklore!
For those unfamiliar with GeGeGe no Kitaro, the series was originally created by Shigeru Mizuki. The story follows Kitaro, the sole survivor of the Ghost tribe, who wants to unite the world of humans with Yokai, monsters of Japanese folklore. Not only does he fend off monsters from Japanese folklore, but other countries as well. The series originally started as a darker tale, Kitaro of the Graveyard, but was changed to make it more appealing to children when the series was published as a manga in 1960. The series’ new direction began in 1960, and ran for nine volumes. It has since been adapted into many long running anime series, live-action films, and video games.
The new GeGeGe no Kitaro anime aired on Fuji TV Sunday, April 1, 2018 at 9:00AM. The cast of the series includes many anime veterans like Miyuki Sawashiro (Lupin the III: Part IV’s Fujiko Mine) as Kitaro, Masako Nozawa (Dragon Ball’s Goku) as Medama Oyaji, Yukiyo Fuiji (Sailor Moon Crystal’s Sailor Saturn) as Mana Inuyama, Toshio Furukawa (Dragon Ball’s Piccolo) as Nezumi Otoko, Umeka Shouji as Neko Musume, Kappei Yamaguchi (One Piece’s Usopp) as Ittan Momen, Bin Shimada (Dragon Ball’s Babidi) as Konaki Jijii, and Mayumi Tanaka (One Piece’s Luffy) as Sunakake Baba.