The Gundam series is basking in the fortieth anniversary of the franchise, releasing a steady clip of announcements from Youtube channels to new anime to fashionable mech suit merchandise. Now, add another log to the fire of the ever expanding Mobile Suit: Gundam popularity with the announcement that the Gunpla Builders World Cup Finals are about to begin. Starting later this month, on November 17th, the upcoming participants’ custom models will be displayed at the official “Gundam Base” in Tokyo to give the world some brand new mech suit figurines to feast their eyes on.
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Gundam Kit Collections managed to take an absolute ton of photos from the upcoming displays, showing off just what fans of the franchise are able to accomplish with a dedication to creating some absolutely jaw dropping Gunplas in a race to be considered the victor in the Gunpla Builders World Cup!
For those who don’t know, “Gunplas” are Mobile Suit: Gundam plastic models that fans have been sculpting, painting, and assembling for nearly forty years of the franchise’s history. With the popularity of the series continuing to rise, it’s not a big surprise that such an event would be taking place beginning this month and ending later this year on December 8th. This particular competition has been around for 8 years since 2011, allowing fans both young and old to contribute their own amazing work to be displayed at the Gundam Base in Japan.
With the franchise continuing to release numerous anime series that look at the mech suits throughout alternate realities and time, it’s clear that Gundam continues to be the biggest “mech suit” franchise the world over. With the “Gundam Satellite” launching next year as part of Tokyo’s 2020 Summer Olympics celebration, it’s clear that the franchise will most likely continue to thrive for another forty years.
What is your favorite Gunpla model that you’ve seen? Which is your favorite Gundam from the franchise? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and Gundam!
Mobile Suit Gundam is one of the most popular franchises in the world, and that popularity is only expected to grow as Sunrise continues to release new projects for the franchise. This includes new anime based in the original Universal Century storyline, which will next see a film trilogy based on the Hathaway’s Flash novels, a returning anime for its SD Gundam spin-offs, and even a brand new live-action movie coming to the West co-produced by Legendary, a studio who is currently in the midst of bringing a new take on Toho’s Godzilla franchise to the screen.