JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is set to return to the world of anime with December’s Netflix release of Stone Ocean, which will follow the adventures of Jolyne Cujoh, daughter of Jotaro, as she attempts to free herself from a maximum-security prison fit to bursting with enemy Stand users. Joined by a Stand of her own, Stone Free, Jolyne will make a number of friends and enemies over the course of this sixth part of the franchise, and fans are starting to produce some insanely original Cosplay for one of the most colorful members of the Joestar Clan.
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Jolyne’s aesthetic might have not premiered in the world of anime official so far, but her look in the manga has found its way into the public zeitgeist in some surprising ways. With artists such as Billie Eilish and Megan Thee Stallion showing off their love of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, it will be interesting to see how many other superstars are influenced by the daughter of Jotaro. Rest assured, Jolyne won’t be alone when it comes to some eye-popping styles as creator Hirohiko Araki took the opportunity to create some amazing heroes and villains over the course of the sixth part of the franchise.
Instagram Cosplayer Alco Loli shared this paint filled rendition of Jolyne Cujoh, whose stint in a maximum-security prison doesn’t stop her from sharing her fashion sense and colorful aesthetic with both friends and enemies alike as she attempts to clear her name while grappling with a plot set into motion by Dio Brando from beyond the grave:
Netflix turned heads earlier this summer when it announced that it would be the exclusive streaming service for the sixth part of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, with the upcoming adventures of Jolyne Cujoh releasing on a monthly basis to tell the story of Stone Free. While we don’t currently have confirmation on how many episodes will be a part of this new season, the previous seasons in Golden Wind and Diamond Is Unbreakable had thirty-nine installments respectively, so this could definitely be the case for Jolyne and company.
Are you hyped for the arrival of the next chapter of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure this December? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.