Junji Ito, Hideo Kojima Unpack Their Biggest Influences in New Interview

Junji Ito and Hideo Kojima know more about horror than most anyone.

When it comes to horror, few creators have dedicated themselves to the craft like Junji Ito and Hideo Kojima. Over the decades, the pair have become known for their storytelling genius. In their respective fields, Ito and Kojima are at the top of their games, and a recent interview with the pair just posted their biggest influences.

Speaking with Aera Dot, Ito and Kojima sat down to talk about their careers in a joint interview. It was there the publication dove deeper into the duo's influences, and Ito was quick to share his go-to source of inspiration. It seems Kazoo Umezu was a huge influence for Ito during their high school years, and the story Butterfly Grave stands out above the rest.

And as for Kojima? It turns out the video game developer found influence with Kobo Abe. The writer's The Woman in the Dunes captured the imagination of Kojima years ago. To this day, the story resonates with the artist, so fans of Kojima Productions will want to check out the book ASAP.

Art has never existed in a vacuum, and greats have always looked to others for inspiration while crafting their masterpieces. Ito and Kojima are at the top of their fields, so it is nice to hear about their craft behind the scenes. Earlier this year, Ito was even able to visit Kojima Productions as Kojima posted a photo of the pair at the studio. The photo sparked a floodgate as fans began pleading for the storytelling masters to team up on a project. And in the wake of this new interview, it seems those pleas are only getting louder.

What do you think about Ito's latest confession? Let us know what you think over on Twitter and Instagram. You can also hit me up @MeganPetersCB to share your take!