Following a year after the arson incident that had killed a number of animators that made up Kyoto Animation, the animation studio held a memorial ceremony to gather the loved ones of those who were lost to remember their lives and the work they had done. The world of anime and its fans united behind Kyoto following the incident, sending their support via social media as well as through a number of donations that would see the studio get back on its feet. While the loss of life can never be overstated, it is touching to see the support for the company from fans around the world.
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Kyoto Animation has had to put on hold a number of projects due to the original incident, as well as due to the coronavirus pandemic, but it has been fantastic to see communities come together to remember those who were lost as well as celebrate their work. With new animated projects in the works from Kyoto, they are definitely working to honor the victims of the incident.
Twitter User Otaku Calendar JP shared a photo from the memorial ceremony that sees the CEO Hideaki Hatto addressing those in mourning, noting how the animators and other employees of the company had their “future robbed from them” due to the incident that took place one year ago:
Kyoani held a memorial ceremony for the victims.
— otakujp (@otakucalendarjp) July 18, 2020
The CEO Mr.Hatta “An unimaginably sad incident happened on this place on this day one year ago. Talented creators suddenly had their futures robbed from them. I’m so sorry and I am at a loss for words.”→
Originally started in 1981, Kyoto Animation Studio has become known worldwide for its work on creating popular anime television series such as K-On!, Free!, Full Metal Panic, and more. It has also created a number of animated films such as A Silent Voice, K-On! The Movie, and Free! Take Your Marks to name a few. Noted as the “first successful animation studio outside of Tokyo”, Kyoto Animation has a long history within the industry and we hope that its history will continue into the future. With a quote reported in the NHK article as “Kyoto Animation having an indelible impact on Japan’s Animation industry”, the studio must be respected for its contributions to the medium. will continue to provide updates on the situation as they are released. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this tragedy.