Following the tragic arson attack against Kyoto Animation Studio, fans are rallying together to offer their support of the popular anime creators. With 33 reported dead and 36 injured, fans of the medium are rallying together to show their respect and admiration of the studio itself. Created in 1981, the studio has created a number of fan favorite anime series and movies such as K-On!, A Silent Voice, and Free! to name a few. Universally loved, fans are sharing the hashtag #PrayForKyoAni to recall the history of the animation studio along with showing their overall support.
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#PrayForKyoani I will always love you from the bottom of my heart😢😢
— RNGSlacker4ever (@EternalBladeEX) July 18, 2019
Kyoto Animation tells stories in a way that cannot be reproduced.
— Ace (@Ace_JRC) July 18, 2019
They are truly unique and you can see the love and care in the art they create.
KyoAni will come back from this, and will be great once again.#PrayForKyoani
#PrayForKyoani This was the last journal updated on Kyoani’s website before the incident. Dude was writing about how he’s looking forward to harvest the tomatoes they planted on the balcony and preparing for the next anime. Now it’s all gone. I’m literally shedding tears😢
— Waylee_S (@zeroXlightG) July 18, 2019
As an anime fan, I’m sad to hear what has happened to Kyoto Animation today. Condolences to all of those who are affected.#PrayForKyoani
— Shrimpy (@Shr1mple) July 18, 2019
It’s so heartbreaking to hear this news. Tragic happened for these talented people. May their soul rest in peace. And also for the fast recovery of injured people in this tragic incident.
— Shujinko #GetWellSoonMina (@Kuroyuukirito) July 18, 2019
They’re masterpiece will always be remember in our heats.#PrayForKyoani #KyotoAnimation
I can’t believe in the matter of an hour it just got a lot more personal. Yasuhiro Takemoto, the director of Clannad and K-On was killed in the attack. Literally my top 2 anime of all time. We’ve lost a mastermind today. I’m torn apart. #PrayForKyoani
— Shai (@theShai_chan) July 18, 2019
To the ones who passed, the survivors, their family and friends, and the people who loved their work#PrayForKyoani
— deeKei@1日目南ミ02b (@_deeKei) July 18, 2019 will be sure keep readers updated on any new developments from this incident. Our thoughts are with all those affected by the tragedy.