
New ‘Mob Psycho 100’ OVA Has A ‘One Punch Man’ Easter Egg

For those of you out-of-the-loop, Mob Psycho 100 is back with a new outing. The anime has been on […]

For those of you out-of-the-loop, Mob Psycho 100 is back with a new outing. The anime has been on hiatus for some time, but Bones brought it back for a special outing this month. Not long ago, a new OVA featuring Mob and Reigen went live, and fans were understandably excited to see the supernatural leads after all this time.

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Oh, and One Punch Man also made a brief appearance in the special. Did you happen to spot the caped baldy?

Yes, fans on social media were quick to point out the nod to One Punch Man. The character may not be a part of Mob Psycho 100, but his presence is never far from its audience’s thought. After all, the guy behind One Punch Man is the creator of Mob Psycho 100, and the artist is all for crossing the series via easter eggs.

As you can see below, Mob Psycho 100‘s OVA shouted out One Punch Man with a teeny-tiny easter egg. In one of its scenes, fans can see Reigen holding up his phone after encountering a spirit. It appears the guy has One Punch Man as his background, and Saitama looks hilariously deadpanned in the photo.

Sadly, this easter egg isn’t totally new. The scene was taken from the first episode of Mob Psycho 100. While the OVA itself is new, Bones did say up to 75% of it was taken from anime episodes. So, while the easter egg is new to the OVA, it is not to the franchise as a whole.

Of course, this is not the only crossover easter egg fans have found in Mob Psycho 100. When the anime’s second episode went live, fans saw Mob reading a manga which looks suspiciously like One Punch Man. The inset manga showed characters resembling Genos and Saitama as they prepared to fight, and the latter even showed off his powerful punches in one of the parody panels.

If you are not familiar with Mob Psycho 100, then you can still catch up on the supernatural series. The story was crafted by One, a webcomic artist best-known for creating One Punch Man. The comic started in April 2012, and Bones adapted part of it into an anime series in July 2016.

Mob Psycho 100 tells the story of Seigeo Kageyama, an eighth grader with Esper ability. The psychic tries his best to not stand out, but his powers often rope him into increasingly dangerous situations. Kageyama’s powers grow more powerful as the years pass, so he buckles down his emotions to keep a lid on his powers. However, as more threats continue to pursue Kageyama, the boy learns how difficult it is to keep his emotions under lock – but the fate of the world depends on him keeping a straight face.

Are you excited for more Mob Psycho 100? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics, k-pop, and anime!