My Hero Academia Unleashes All For One's Most Terrifying Quirk Yet

My Hero Academia's Final War continues to be as brutal as one can imagine – especially this latest chapter, which lets archvillain All For One unleash one of his most terrifying quirk attacks yet! 

In Chapter 381 of the My Hero Academia manga, we find the familiar crew of students form Shiketsu High's Hero Course – Camie Utsushimi, Inasa Yoarashi, and Seiji Shishikura) arriving on-scene at the fight with All For One's main body, up in the Gunga mountains. However, as the heroes try to marshall the calvary against the League of Villains' big onslaught, All For One decides to take the kid gloves off, and match the heroes in their ferocity. 

All For One unleashes a maelstrom attack that combines even more quirks together. All For One's body grows bladed wing appendages and he blasts the heroes with a combination of what looks like a shockwave blast; at first glance, some old favorites like Air Cannon, Rivet Stab, Impact Recoil, and Multiplier same to be mixed into the attack – whatever it is, it's devastating enough to force the entire squad of pro-heroes and/or students on the defensive.   

The result ends up being a stalemate: All For One holds the heroes at bay, while the heroes keep All For One held far enough back that he can't start stealing quirks from them wholesale. That stalement ends with Fugikame Tokoyami unleashing the true full potential of his dark shadow avatar, "Dark Shadow: Total Release." Dark Shadow basically creates a Sasuke-style giant Susanoo armor body for Fugikame, who uses it to smash All For One into the ground. 

(Photo: Viz Media)

The full scop of All For One's powers has been a big question looming over My Hero Academia all along. Up until now, the villain overlord has been operating from a physical body that was severly injured in his milestone battle with All Might; It was clear that while still immensely powerful, All For One (like All Might) was past his prime. Now, thanks to one of Overhaul's rewinding bullets, All For One has resotred his physical body to what it was before his horrible injuries. That said, even thought the display of power he puts on in this chapter is massive, the preceding chapters have made it clear that All For One does not have all that much time left to inhabit his "vessel 'Tomura Shigaraki befoe his original body burns out. 

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