
My Hero Academia Season Six Releases Episode 3 Stills


My Hero Academia struck out with season six at the start of October, and it would put things lightly to say it is doing well. After a so-so season five, the anime is back with a vengeance, and the show’s latest two episodes proved Studio Bones has something to prove. And now, the first stills for season six’s third episode have gone live.

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As you can see below, the stills were released just days ahead of My Hero Academia’s weekend release. The anime is expected to drop episode three in a few days, and given what these photos show, the update will be an emotional one. It looks like Hawks and Twice’s confrontation is going to come to a head in this episode. And if you read the manga, well – you know My Hero Academia is about to drop one of its saddest moments to date this weekend.^tfw

My Hero Academia Season 6 So Far

For those keeping up with My Hero Academia season six, you will know a lot has happened in just two episodes. For one, Dr. Garaki has been outed as the rat he is, and his genius is causing all sorts of issues for our heroes. Despite the man’s arrest, his High-End Nomu are going wild against Mirko, and there is still the issue of Shigaraki to address.

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Of course, the raid outside of the doctor’s hospital is just as tense. The combined Paranormal Liberation Army is fighting back against our heroes, and Class 1-A has been tasked with aiding the war. In fact, Kaminari just stole the spotlight last week with this frontline debut, and My Hero Academia took the moment to make his budding feelings for Jirou clear along the way.

What to Know About My Hero Academia

Want to know more about My Hero Academia now that season six is rolling out? You can check out the story’s official description below:

“Middle school student Izuku Midoriya wants to be a hero more than anything, but he hasn’t got an ounce of power in him. With no chance of ever getting into the prestigious U.A. High School for budding heroes, his life is looking more and more like a dead end. Then an encounter with All Might, the greatest hero of them all, gives him a chance to change his destiny.”

What do you think of this latest look at My Hero Academia season six? Are you liking the show’s comeback so far? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.