My Hero Academia is now making its way through the final battle against Dabi with its latest chapters, but the newest chapter of the My Hero Academia is breaking all kinds of hearts with the reveal of the tragic nature of Dabi’s final wish from the rest of the Todoroki family! The final fight with Dabi has taken a surprising turn as while previous chapters of My Hero Academia seemed to reveal Shoto was able to defeat his brother, Dabi had actually been planning something else all along. He’s been building heat within himself to explode and take out a huge group of people with him.ย
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Dabi has been running at full speed towards his death as a way to really stick it to Endeavor and the rest of his family for everything that happened to him as a child, and My Hero Academia’s latest chapters have taken this to the extreme as Dabi is burning his body at hotter temperatures than ever for his suicidal final plan. But as his mind starts to fade away the closer he gets to death, the tragic reality revealed is that what Dabi really wanted all along was attention and love from his family.

MHA: What Does Dabi Really Want?ย
My Hero Academia Chapter 387 sees Dabi continue to fly towards the evacuating citizens, and Endeavor’s met him to try and stop his son by any means necessary. But Dabi’s ranting words screaming out “Dad, watch me!” Endeavor tries to plead with his son to put the flames out, but notices that Dabi’s mind is long gone as Dabi continues to yell for his dad to watch him and asking to play with Natsu. It’s here that Endeavor realizes that Dabi has essentially reverted back to his younger self as his mind burns away.ย
Endeavor realizes that while he’s been trying to atone for the past, Dabi’s been watching it all from afar even lonelier and more broken than the rest of them. Endeavor knows that this tragedy is all on his shoulders, and while he wants the rest of his family to be happy, Endeavor also realizes that Dabi really just wanted his dad. While Dabi has been trying to hurt his family, it’s all out of his own hurt. It’s just something that’s gone too far.ย
How do you feel about Dabi’s final moments so far? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!