My Hero Academia is living its best life with season five, and its first arc has come to an end. For those who are caught up with the anime, the Joint Training arc has come to a close, and now it is time to deal with its fallout. After all, there are two loose ends to address, and one of them has to do with One For All.
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Not long ago, some of the first details about episode 100 went live for fans. It was there My Hero Academia set up what’s next for Class A, and Shinso might be a part of it before long. You can find the blurb for next week’s episode below:

“The joint training is over, and Class a is the winner. Shinso was feeling overwhelmed by all the amazing performances by everyone in the Hero Course, but Deku reassures him that his quick decisions were incredible and that’s why he’ll be joining the Hero Course in their second year. After that, Deku, All Might, and Bakugo go to the nap room to talk about Black Whip.”
As you can see above, the My Hero Academia synopsis answers two very important questions. The first has to do with Shinso. The boy might have worked with Class B against Izuku in this most recent round, but he has shown his merit with ease. The kid is well on his way to becoming a hero, and Izuku is eager to see where his new friend goes in his second year.
And of course, there is the whole issue of Black Whip. Izuku did unlock the special power during his battle with Monoma. All Might is obviously a bit freaked out by the ordeal since his time with One For All never led to him unlocking this power. You can bet he has some questions for Izuku, and Bakugo isn’t about to let Deku be questioned without him.
What do you think of this My Hero Academia synopsis? Are you glad to see the Joint Training arc finished…? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.