My Hero Academia is closing in on the season 2 finale, and the last episode of the season is gearing up to be rather epic.
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Granted, nothing about this show is not epic, but this one is just more so. The new synopsis for “Encounter” reveals the return of series antagonist Tomura Shigaraki, though that seems to be the least of Izuku’s concerns if that last sentence is anything to go by.
You can view the season 2 finale synopsis below.
Episode 38: Encounter
A surprise encounter between Izuku and Shigaraki!
Izuku and Class 1-A go shopping for their forest camping trip, but a man suddenly comes and touches Izuku’s neck. That man is their old enemy Shigaraki Tomura! What words does he have for them?!
This Week’s Izuku: Reacting to Shigaraki!
Shigaraki speaks of his objective and their motives to Izuku. Shaken by Shigaraki’s tenacious words, how does Izuku respond? Where will the confrontation between heroes and villains lead?!
The date of the forest trip draws closer, and it makes the students both excited and nervous!
A major incident suddenly occurs! The final climax of season two!
Boku no Hero Academia episode 38 preview, scan courtesy of @YonkouProd
โ Sebz #salty2k17 (@fabulouslyalone) September 22, 2017
For those unfamiliar with Shigaraki, in many ways, he is the villainous parallel to Izuku. Izuku worships All Might, a being that Shigaraki loathes more than anything. His compassion is saved for All For One, the person he credits with saving him when no one else would.
Shigaraki, real name Tenko Shimura, has the ability to decay anything with just a touch of his hand. The only caveat is he must do so with all five fingers, leading some to believe he doesn’t have complete control of this ability yet. His appearance is unmistakable, as he wears several disembodied hands as part of his costume, including one that he refers to as father over his face.
So yeah, he’s bad news for Izuku, and not someone you look forward to reuniting with. How he plays into the season 2 finale is unknown, but it can’t be a good thing he’s back.

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