My Hero Academia: Vigilantes‘ final arc has been setting up Pop Step for a devastating battle against The Crawler, and now Koichi and Kazuho are now one step closer to their huge confrontation with the latest chapter of the series. After being kidnapped by Number 6 when the villain tricked her into spending time with him, Kazuho re-emerged later as a much more villainous version of Pop Step equipped with exploding insects on top of her high jump quirk. It’s become quite clear over the course of the last few chapters that she is struggling, but Koichi doesn’t know that.
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This makes Chapter 80 of the series all the more devastating as Pop Step readies herself for her final performance and begins to attack Naruhata. Pro heroes have come to the scene, and so has Koichi. As the two of them draw closer to one another and Number 6 is readying the final phase of his plan, it’s getting quite intense.
Chapter 80 of the series sees Pop Step attack the town once more, but this time the pros are ready to counter her attack now that she’s been labeled a dangerous villain after the first attack. Koichi has been training his hardest in order to take on this new version of Pop Step, and we already see much of it in action when he goes to zip towards her. The plan is to corner her with the help of the pro heroes by using their plans against them.

But while Koichi has his own plans for taking on Pop Step, he’s also got to deal with not only Pop Step herself (whose coy nature hides what her true intentions are with this attack), but Number 6 and even the pro hero Endeavor. This was back when Endeavor was a frightening hero, so Koichi has to juggle several different problem at once. All the while, we still don’t know what Pop Step has planned for this next battle. But what do you think?
What do you think Queen Bee has planned for Pop Step with this final attack against the heroes? What purpose will this ultimately serve for Number 6 and his grand scheme? Will Koichi be able to save Kazuho from this huge mess? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!