
Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender Reactions Surface Online

The first reactions of Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender have surfaced online.

Avatar: The Last Airbender is on the horizon for Netflix. In a matter of days, the streaming service will bring its live-action adaptation of the hit Nickelodeon series to life. With star Gordon Cormier at the lead, Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender set forth with the promise of reimagining the world made by Michale Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. And now, first reactions are calling the show’s first episode a mixed bag with promise.

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As you can see below, a number of critics and influencers who’ve seen Avatar: The Last Airbender have broken their silence on the show. The update comes the week before Netflix’s live-action adaptation surfaces on February 22nd.^tfw

If you are not familiar with Netflix’s live-action plans, the serviceworked in tandem with Rideback Productions to bring Avatar: The Last Airbender to life. The show was developed by Albert Kim, and originally, the co-creators of the original series were involved. However, DiMartino and Konietzko exited the project in June 2020 citing creative differences. Not long after the pair exited, Netflix brought Kim onboard, and the show runner has overseen the live-action production from start to finish.

As for its cast, Avatar: The Last Airbender found Cormier to be the perfect match for Aang. Dallas Liu was brought in to play Prince Zuko while Kiawentiio was cast as Katara. For her older brother Sokka, Ian Ousley was cast while veterans actor Paul Sun-Hyung was chosen to play Uncle Iron. And as for Fire Lord Ozai? Well, Netflix managed to get Daniel Day Kim on board.

Currently, Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender is set to launch February 22nd. You can catch up on the original animated series on Paramount+ to catch up on Aang’s story. So for more info on the series, you can read its official synopsis below:

“Katara and Sokka (a brother and sister) discover the Avatar (a 12-year-old Airbender boy named Aang) frozen in an iceberg. Together the three begin their journey to the North Pole to find a master Waterbender so Aang can begin his Avatar training!”

What do you think about these first reactions to Avatar: The Last Airbender? Let us know what you think in the comments below as well as on Twitter and Instagram. You can also hit me up @MeganPetersCB to share your take!

Free at Last^tfw

Rough Patch^tfw

A Promising Start^tfw

Give Us More^tfw

Truly Impressive^tfw