Tell Your Lover "I Choose You" With This Pokemon Proposal

Pokemon has been around for decades and grown up with plenty of its biggest fans. For those who [...]

Pokemon has been around for decades and grown up with plenty of its biggest fans. For those who got into pocket monsters as a child, they are now setting up families of their own. And thanks to The Pokemon Company, fans can bring a bit of anime magic to their proposal when they're ready to say, "I do."

According to a recent report by Sora News, a jeweler in Japan is ready to level up your Pokemon proposal. Once you have found a ring, the company U Treasure is ready to box up the piece in a special Poke Ball case that will capture your lover's heart and (hopefully) hand in marriage.

U Treasure has created a high-end ring box that is shaped like a Master Ball for longtime fans. The case, which can be seen below, is set in a handcrafted wood and painted to match the color scheme of a Master Ball. The case also comes with a purple silk liner which can be removed after the proposal is made, allowing the couple to store accessories (or Pokemon) in the case.

pokemon proposal
(Photo: U Treasure)

Currently, this Poke Ball case is only a complimentary gift by U Treasure when you buy select rings. After all, the jeweler has its own line of Pikachu and Mew rings crafted specifically with engagements and weddings in mind. You can nab this case with a ring during U Treasure's Bridal Jewelry Fair which runs the month of June.

Still, fans will be able to get their hand on a Pokemon case alone if that is all their budget can afford. U Treasure is selling a red-and-white Poke Ball cases online for less than $120 before taxes and shipping fees factor in.

So, would you be willing to get down on one knee with a case like this in hand? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!

Pokemon: Detective Pikachu is now out in theaters, and you can read our spoiler-free review of the film here. The official synopsis for Pokemon: Detective Pikachu reads as such, "The story begins when ace detective Harry Goodman goes mysteriously missing, prompting his 21-year-old son Tim to find out what happened. Aiding in the investigation is Harry's former Pokémon partner, Detective Pikachu: a hilariously wise-cracking, adorable super-sleuth who is a puzzlement even to himself.