
New Pokemon Plush Line Wants You to Snuggle Dratini & Friends


Pokemon’s history has given fans quite a few pocket monsters via the franchise’s anime adaptations, video games, and merchandising. In Japan, the franchise has become so popular that the country has created a number of Pokemon Centers that will often sell exclusive merchandise. With the establishments recently being bombarded by fans looking for Pokemon Card Game exclusives, a new plush line focusing on specific pocket monsters including the likes of Dratini, Furret, and Eelektrik to add to your Pokemon collection.

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Dratini was first introduced in Generation One in the Pokemon series, and while the slithery pocket monster might not be the most powerful of the Gen One creatures, its evolutions allow it to gain some serious strength. When Dratini hits a certain experience level, it will then become Dragonair, followed by the wildly powerful Dragonite. Most recently, Dragonite played a major role in Ash Ketchum’s life as the Pokemon captured a spot on the Pokemon trainer’s roster when it came to the Masters 8 Tournament. Thanks to Dragonite’s power, along with the abilities of its allies, Ketchum was able to become the World Champion, giving the anime the opportunity to present the long-running anime character something that many fans never saw coming, a conclusion.

Pokemon Plushies

The three Pokemon plushies can currently be pre-ordered to add to your Pokemon collection. The Pokemon Center gave fans a look at the plushies for Dratini, Furret, Eelektrik that are hitting Japan, running the gamut of the franchise’s generations. Based on the ever-increasing merchandise released focusing on Pokemon, it’s clear that the popularity of the franchise isn’t slowing down any time soon.

While Ash Ketchum’s time as the anime hero has come to a close, the Pokemon anime has continued by following the two new trainers in Liko and Roy. Pokemon Horizons might be missing its former star and his trusty Pikachu, but there has been a place for plenty of older Pokemon to arrive in the latest season. Whether it be in its anime series or its video games, Pokemon is continuing to expand. 

Will you be trying to catch these Pokemon Plushes? Do you think that Liko and Roy will be encountering more Gen One Pokemon on their quest? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Pokemon.