Shonen Jump has put yet another hit manga series on hiatus: RuriDragon. The reason for RuriDragon’s delay is (also once again) the poor health of the manga’s creator, Masaoki Shindo. The hiatus is currently being listed as “indefinite,” although the official press statement from Weekly Shonen Jump does indicate that the current plan is to wait for Masaoki Shindo to make a suitable recovery, before RuriDragon resumes.ย
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Here is the official announcement about RuriDragon’s hiatus, from Weekly Shonen Jump:ย
Thank you for reading Ruri Dragon every week.ย
Due to the poor physical condition of Masaoki Shindo, Ruri Dragon will enter hiatus starting Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #35.ย
The series was already absent from Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #33 and the editorial department looked for a way to create a sustainable schedule while facing the mangaka’s health condition, but after cvarious discussions with Masaoki Shindo, it has been decided it would be better for them to take a break to recover so the serialization continues in perfect conditions in the future.ย
We will inform of the series’ comeback in upcoming Weekly Shonen Jump issues. We are very sorry to all readers who were looking forwared to the series and kept sending comments and letters.ย
We will do our best to bring back Ruri’s daily life, so we would appreciate it if you could look over us in the future.ย
We look forward to your continued support of Ruri Dragonย
Weekly Shonen Jump Editorial Departmentย
Weekly Shonen Jump Editorial Department Notice on Ruri Dragon's Indefinite Hiatus starting Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #35.
— Shonen Jump News – Unofficial (@WSJ_manga) July 27, 2022
RuriDragon is a Shonen Slice of Life manga by Masaoki Shindo that was originally released as a one-shot in 2020. Shonen launched the serialized version of RuriDragon just last month. That’s definitely a disappointing reality-check for fans who were just jumping into the manga.ย
As stated, news of mangakas having to step back form hot series due to poor health has become a regular headline around here. Just last year, My Hero Academia’s Kohei Horikoshi, Jujutsu Kaisen’s Gege Akutami, and Black Clover’s Yuki Tabata ALL had to take hiatuses due to health issues. It seems to be coming more and more to light that the stress of creating manga is something that needs to be addressed.ย
Here’s the premise of RuriDragon:ย
Ruri Aoki is an ordinary Japanese girl living a normal life, until one fateful day she wakes up with two horns sprouting from her head. At that point her mother reveals to Ruri that she’s half-human and her father is a dragon (“Ryu”). Ruri doesn’t quite see it as a huge deal and decides to go to school as usual.