Spy x Family has been spending the last few chapters exploring the past between Henry Henderson and Martha Mariott, and with it has turned into one of manga’s best tragic romance arcs yet! Spy x Family has shifted its focus to revealing more of the past between Ostania and Westlis through the lens of two characters who lived through the brunt of the war, Henry and Martha. Not only are fans getting to see more of the world politics at large (more so than chapters focused on the spy action has), but are also being clued into a rather tragic fallout between these two.ย
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During a special ceremony where Eden Academy’s students are celebrating their progress over the last year, Becky Blackbell asked Martha about her past. It’s here that Henry is inspired to think about that past when he and Martha dance together, and it’s steadily revealed how the two met at Eden Academy during their youth while he was young and against the war and she was unfortunately sucked into it. But through all of this tragedy, the two never got to share their real feelings for one another.ย

Spy x Family: Henry and Martha’s Tragic Love Story
Spy x Family Chapter 99 picks up years after the two lost touch and briefly reunite at Eden Academy. It was here that Martha was planning to confess her romantic feelings for Henry, but they were interrupted by an alarm that went off so she decided against it. It was here that Martha then decided to keep in touch with Henry through a series of letters, but Henry never caught onto the fact that Martha was hinting at her real feelings towards him. With the war getting more intense, Martha ends up volunteering to fight at the front line as they had no real option to refuse.ย
Seeing this shocks Henry, and Martha’s letters from then on get even more tragic as her actions on the front line began to change her. When he received his last letter from her, it’s now only that Henry realized that he truly wanted her to come back and see her again. It was a romantic want. But it’s soon revealed that the women on the front line sacrificed their lives, and this sends Henry into a depressive state where he’s even arrested for speaking out against the war.ย
But with his father urging him to get back into shape, and the years pass as Martha is seemingly not ever going to return, Henry agrees to marry the final of the suitors that his father was able to get to marry him. But as the chapter comes to an end, Martha is revealed to have survived and their tragic love story continues.