The Rising of the Shield Hero is one of the most popular anime series that follows the formula of placing its protagonist into a world that is modeled after a massively multiplayer role-playing game, with its protagonist Naofumi attempting to save the world while dealing with his own besmirched reputation, and it seems as if the long-awaited second season has received a release window for this fall. With the first season coming to a close with Naofumi realizing that he needed to “renew” his journey as the Shield Hero, fans are anticipating the continuation of this popular anime.
The second season is looking to air sometime this October, though a specific release date has yet to be revealed. With a new showrunner at the forefront for the anime, the franchise has released a trailer to give fans a hint as to what they can expect as we return to the world of Naofumi, Raphtalia, and their merry band of role-playing game archetypes that have helped propel the franchise to new heights of popularity. Animation Studio Kinema Citrus is planning to return to continue the journey of these magical heroes, with the series set to stream on Crunchyroll when it debuts this fall.
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The Rising of the Shield Hero first landed as a light novel series in 2012, being adapted into a manga series in 2014 and then subsequently receiving an anime adaptation years later in 2019. Naofumi is something of a unique protagonist in that he enters into the world bubbly and ready for action, but finds himself the focus of hatred for the civilians of the world that he is trying to protect. With his magical weapon being something of a dud at first in comparison to the other legendary heroes from other worlds that arrived into this magical environment, it was a definite uphill battle and one that is sure to continue in the upcoming installments.
The final episode of the first season saw Naofumi tangles with Glass, a hero from another world much like himself who was dubbed the “Fan Hero”, while also contemplating how he will continue to fight against the waves of enemies that are threatening this supernatural world he finds himself in. Needless to say, expect plenty of surprises for season two of The Rising of the Shield Hero.
Are you hyped for the return of Naofumi and Raphtalia? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.