Your Name. Coming to North American Theaters

Following the news yesterday, of Kimi no Na wa, or Your Name in English, officially being the [...]

Following the news yesterday, of Kimi no Na wa, or Your Name in English, officially being the highest grossing anime film of all time, Funimation made a huge announcement for North America today. Funimation will be opening Makoto Shinkai's film in North American theaters on April 7, 2017.

The film will not only be released in the original Japanese-language with English subtitles, but will also be released in English Dub, with a newly dubbed English soundtrack. The entire soundtrack is being recorded by the Japanese band, Radwimps, entirely in English, and has not been debuted in any other releases of the movie. "Melody and lyrics must be something inseparable for RADWIMPS. For all that, I cannot respect and thank them enough for making these wonderful English versions to entertain international audience," said Makoto Shinkai, writer and director of "Your Name."

Mike Duboise, COO of Funimation Entertainment, in a statement to press expressed his excitement for the event. "We're thrilled to be bringing Your Name. to theaters across North America and Canada this spring. Based on audience reaction around the world and a week's worth of sold out screenings during the film's Oscar qualifying run last December, we expect 'Your Name.' to be a hit with North American theatergoers this April."

Kimi no Na Wa takes place in modern day Japan, and the story follows two characters who live very different lives. Mitsuha is a high school girl who lives in a small rural town up in the mountains. Her father is the Mayor and not around much, and she lives with her little sister and grandmother. She is an honest person but hates living in a small town and is constantly wishing to be living the lavish lifestyle in Tokyo. Taki is a highschool boy who lives in downtown Tokyo. He goes to school, works at a restaurant, and loves the fine arts and architecture. One month after a comet has fallen in Japan, both characters have a dream that they are living very different lives, and they are strangler similar to each others real lives.

Your Name will open in American theater on April 7, 2017 in both Japanese with English Subs, and English Dubbed with an exclusive soundtrack.