
DC Comics’s Batman Group: The WTF Guessing Game

It’s been an interesting month, and it seems like it’s been a long time since DC Comics released […]

It’s been an interesting month, and it seems like it’s been a long time since DC Comics released solicitation text for their April comics two weeks ago and we took some time out to guess at what the surprises on the other side of the Justice League books’ gatefold covers might be.Well, with the gatefold promotion now tastelessly named “WTF Certified” and at least three titles already leaked, we figured now was as good a time as any to take a look at the Batman titles and see whether we could suss out what these things mean.We’ll start with some of the material that we’ve already covered, just to get them out of the way. Also, there are some books about which I have no particularly good guesses. I’ll just leave those off rather than wasting the time.

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Detective Comics Detective Comics
dealt with this question a bit before Death of the Family Ra’s al Ghul Death of the Family
Death of the Family
Saw  ComicVine
Talon Nightwing the appearance of The Creeper Batgirl