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Now, this story could become an ongoing feature.This week, though, Andrea was in rare form, as she visited her friends at the prison and seemed not to understand why they were suspicious of her, in spite of the fact that she was having sex with a man who has attempted twice–that she knows of–to kill them.Not exactly the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. And that’s in a world where electricity is basically a thing of the past.She’s shocked by her treatment upon entryI swear at some point during her pat-down she asks “Why are you doing this?”, in spite of the fact that–at minimum–she knows that their group has been fired upon in the last 24 hours.She exaggerates, and is immediately caught“I came as soon as I knew” it was Rick and the others who orchestrated the attack on Woodbury to rescue Glenn, Maggie, Merle and Daryl, Andrea tells the group. When she’s told that was days ago, her response is defensive, impotent and whiny: “I came as soon as I could!” Those are two different things and, given the circumstances, that difference is pretty key. Especially because during those days, the Governor planned and executed the murder of one of Rick’s group and the attempted murder of several more.She tries to throw Merle under the bus……even though it’s her boyfriend who sicced Merle on Glenn and Maggie. Apparently that part doesn’t occur to her? The idea that Merle can be offered up as a sacrifice is pretty ridiculous to begin with–does she really think Merle and Daryl will go along with it?–but the fact that she justifies it by suggesting that Merle is a danger to the group, when it’s the Governor who wound him up and set him loose on Michonne and othe others? Serious logical problems with that argument.And do we need to mention that final scene?I mean, seriously.