Stephen Amell Wants To Be In Justice League Movie

While Christian Bale has gone on record saying that he will not be playing Batman in a Justice [...]

Arrow Dead To Rights

While Christian Bale has gone on record saying that he will not be playing Batman in a Justice League movie, there's another actor famous for playing a DC Comics superhero who is very interested. In an interview with SciFiNow, Arrow's Stephen Amell said that he would not only love to be in a Justice League movie, but he also offered to "sweep the floors when the were done." Stephen Amell added, "I think that Green Arrow has an opportunity to mature in much the same way Iron Man did in the Marvel universe. He wasn't necessarily a top level character, but because they made an Iron Man movie and it was successful, it vaulted him up and now he anchors the Avengers." The version of Green Arrow that Stephen Amell plays in The CW's Arrow series would actually fit rather well into the world of the Man Of Steel. Of course, no one knows for sure if Green Arrow will be a part of the big screen Justice League. In most of the casting rumors, Green Arrow has not been one of the names that has come up. Still, it would be be a great to see Stephen Amell make an appearance in Justice League, even if it's just a brief cameo. Amell seems to be open to any possibility, as he also said, "It's always up to what's popular at the moment. Right now archery seems to be having a mini renaissance, so hopefully he can settle into a firm rotating member of the DC Justice League of America."