Marvel have released the final pieces of their wedding jigsaw puzzle today, revealing that Deadpool will be marrying…someone…in April’s Deadpool #27.Your guess is as good as ours, but most fans are leaning toward Death–which could be interesting considering Thanos’s increased Marvel Universe profile (he’s featured in a just-announced original graphic novel) around that same time.So why would the Merc With the Mouth be getting married?“The honest answer is that it was written into a Deadpool story, but more or less as a gag, and Jordan D. White, the editor, was like a dog with a bone,” co-writer Gerry Duggan told Nerdist. “He was like, ‘No, no, no – this is going to be a big deal.’ You know, we wrote it, so it’s not like we weren’t behind it. The fun thing has been – after his misadventures, I guess you’d call them, in North Korea, in the story arc ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,’ he learned a lot about himself and why he is the way he is. He doesn’t really have too much of a life. Yes, this is a knee-jerk reaction from a wounded guy to go out there and sort of do something crazy to sort of jump start a life, but there is a real emotional reason for doing it, so I think that will be the part that will resonate. Then the actual gags of the wedding will be fun too, but there is a real grounding to it, and that’s what will make it fun to explore.”As to whether the marriage is a stunt that won’t have much in the way of lasting ramifications, Duggan added, “As for how long she’ll be around, I’m not 100% sure, because when you get close to Deadpool, that’s maybe when I start to think about adding you in my deadpool.”
Deadpool to Get Married in April…But Who’s the Bride?
Marvel have released the final pieces of their wedding jigsaw puzzle today, revealing that […]