At New York Comic Con, select press spoke with Frank Miller, Brian Azzarello, Klaus Janson, and Andy Kubert, the entire creative team of Dark Knight III: The Master Race. asked what the core of Dark Knight as a universe is, that each tried to bring into this new chapter of the story.
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“I don’t regard it as a universe so much as a point of view,” Miller said of the world of Dark Knight. “The point of view is that the world is essentially a chaotic, dangerous place where authority cannot be trusted. Therefore, it needs a “Zorro,” a criminal who can fight for the innocent civilians. The status quo cannot be trusted.”
Kubert, meanwhile, obviously focused on the art, and making it feel similar while giving his own spin to it. “I knew it had to continue pretty much the way it was. I couldn’t veer off into my own world or anything like that, it had to be along the same lines as what Frank had started. That was one of the most harrowing things I’ve ever had to put together, but that’s how I thought about it.”
For Azzarello, it’s about Batman’s role in that world.
“Batman, in The Dark Knight, is an outlaw. That’s not something that is really in the regular series. They call him a vigilante, but that’s okay. Here, he’s an outlaw. He’s not a friend of the police. And Superman’s bigger and larger than life itself. Superman is an inspirational force. He’s big. That’s something that Batman fights against,” Azzarello said.