Former DC Comics Publisher and current Worlds’ Finest writer Paul Levitz has left Earth 2: World’s End and will focus exclusively on a major new shift on Worlds’ Finest, CBR reports.Rumors have been circulating that Levitz had left the weekly title, making him the second high-profile writer to exit one of DC’s ambitious new weekly series after John Layman bailed on Batman Eternal shortly after the book began publication.”The biggest thing with Worlds’ Finest is [Power Girl and Huntress] aren’t going to be in it for a while!” Levitz said. “They’re off on Earth 2 and they’ll be in the Earth 2: World’s End weekly and someone else will be guiding their destiny for a while. We’ll see what happens to them, but I imagine they’ll have a very challenging time — with a title like ‘World’s End’ that’s some pretty scary stuff, I suspect! But Worlds’ Finest will continue, and the guys were kind enough to throw me the challenge of saying, ‘We’ve never really told that much about the stories of the Earth 2 Superman and Batman that exist now, so why don’t you be Worlds’ Finest traditional and tell some stories about those guys for a while?’”I’m going to stick on ‘Worlds’ Finest’ and maybe some other projects; ultimately I decided that the structure of the World’s End weekly just wasn’t ideal for me at this time,” Levitz continued. “I wish them well with it, I hope fans have fun with them — these weeklies are very interesting challenges, but it just wasn’t the right thing for me to be doing at this moment.”
DC Comics Veteran Paul Levitz Leaving Earth 2: World’s End Weekly
Former DC Comics Publisher and current Worlds’ Finest writer Paul Levitz has left Earth 2: […]