
Everything We Know About The Flash Season Two

The Flash’s second season is approaching faster than the scarlet speedster himself. As Barry […]

The Flash’s second season is approaching faster than the scarlet speedster himself. As Barry Allen’s sophomore outing as The Fastest Man Alive gathers steam, a flurry of news and updates are trailing behind him. It’s a lot of information to keep up with, and sadly, not all of us can move through the news as quickly as the Flash. Luckily, has collected all of the Flash Season Two’s most important information into a handy list. Read below for all of Flash Facts that will the upcoming season season strong legs to stand on.

Let’s Explore The Multiverse!

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The calling card of DC Comics and its fictional world, the Multiverse is an endless sandbox containing an infinite number of worlds and possibilities. Each world is slightly different from one another, offeringunique and original interpretations of the main DC Universe. And as we learned late in the Flash’s premiere season, Barry Allen is taking a romp through the realm of fun-house mirror worlds. There’s no telling what worlds Barry will visit, or which characters he may bump into, but the Multiverse will likely offer several chances for DC Comics cameos, Easter eggs, and more. And as Reverse Flash actor Tom Cavanagh hinted during Comic-Con, the Multiverse could provide a nifty way to get the deceased Harrison Wells back into the show.

So Many Speedsters

Barry Allen may have been the fastest hero alive in season one, but that could quickly change when season two premieres. Jay Garrick, The Flash’s Earth 2 counterpart, will enter the show, along with Barry’s sidekick and eventual successor, Wally West. And it’s a good thing he’ll have company, as Zoom, a fleet-footed foe even faster and deadlier than the Reverse Flash, is racing in as The Flash Season Two’s big bad. With so many speedsters running around this season,we expect The Flash to not only step up its visual game, but also delve even deeper into the mysterious energy powering Barry, The Speed Force.

(New) Love Is In The Air

Sorry, #Biris fans. The fated Barry Allen-Iris West romance will have to wait just a bit longer. That’s because Patty Spivot, a new addition to Central City’s Police Department, is joining the Flash as Barry’s latest romantic foil. The CW has described Spivot, played by Shantel VanSanten, as The Flash’s version of Felicity Smoak; a spunky, tech-minded individual with equal adoration for science. The supposed girl of Barry’s dreams, Patty will undoubtedly throw a Grodd-sized monkey wrench into his and Iris’ developing romance.

New Costume, New Powers

As a coming-of-age series, The Flash finds half of its fun in showing Barry’s growth into the world’s greatest superhero. Season Two will continue that trend by exploring new powers for the Flash, and bringing his costume closer to its iconic design. As Grant Gustin revealed during Comic-Con, Barry will develop a new lightning-based power early in the season. But what good is substance without a little flash? That’s where the new suit comes in. The Flash will sport his iconic white chest emblem this season, as he’s always done in the comics. With more super power and visual power than ever, The Flash will be a spitting image of his comic book counter part this fall.

Good Vibrations

But don’t expect the Flash to have all of the fun. Cisco Ramon, Barry’s best pal at STAR Labs, will continue his metaphysical evolution into Vibe, a Justice League member from DC Comics. As Cisco’s actor Carlos Valdes revealed during Comic-Con, Cisco will indeed develop more vibrational powers and abilities. While this will likely make him a key to exploring the multiverse, our fingers are crossed for Cisco going full-superhero, costume and all. After all, Cisco’s named every other supervilain and hero on the Flashโ€”isn’t it time for him to get in on his own fun?

Are you ready for The Flash‘s second season? Let us know in the comments!

The Flash Season Two Premieres October 6 at 8:00 on The CW.