Sometimes, things end before they really should.In the case of comics, the creators often try to give as satisfactory an ending as possible but since many of the characters are meant to go on and on, it’s difficult to give anybody a happily-ever-after, and sometimes what comes next can totally screw them up.For that reason, what’s really heartbreaking is when a creator who’s truly at the top of his game working on a property that’s as good as anything he’s ever done is shunted off the book, or has it cancelled.So, with the Veronica Mars Kickstarter getting everybody thinking about what shows they’d like to bring back as movies, we decided to think about some of the comic books we’d like to bring back as original graphic novels.
Five Comic Books That Should Be Brought Back, Veronica Mars-Style
Sometimes, things end before they really should.In the case of comics, the creators often try to […]