The largest update for Injustice: Gods Among Us, the hit mobile game that spun-off from the home console game, is here, with new characters, a new mode, and more.
Videos by ComicBook.com
The new characters include both heroes and villains from other WB Interactive games, The CW, and more. Arkham Knight joins the roster, along with that game’s version of Batman and Harley Quinn. The Flash and Reverse Flash from the hit CW series come to play, as well. Blackest Night Martian Manhunter, Red Lanturn Hal Jordan, and Justice League Wonder Woman round out the new roster additions from the comic book pages.
New gear sets can be earned in the new Survivor Mode, with some very New God – looking gear. The new mode is just like it sounds – fight a series of enemies with little to no health regeneration between battles, and see how long you last.
Injustice: Gods Among Us is free to download and free to play on iOS and Android devices.